
9871173355,9650176020, 9650176021,9821991336(BloodBank)
2,3,4 Pratap Vihar, Ranhola Nangloi- Najafgarh Road,New Delhi-110041

Critical Care- ICU, PICU, NICU Department


Department of Critical Care Medicine at Rathi Hospitals looks after critical patients with
acute, life-threatening illness or injury. Typical examples of critical illness include heart
attack, poisoning, pneumonia, surgical complications, premature birth and stroke. Critical
care also includes care of the severely injured; whether due to an automobile accident,
gunshot or stabbing wounds, a fall, burns, or an industrial accident.
We have multiple bedded and multi-disciplinary Intensive care units with a dedicated team of
qualified Critical Care Consultants which is equipped with:
o Advanced Monitors At Each Of The Bed Spaces.
o Sophisticated Ventilators That Can Support Upto 15 Patients At Any One Time.
o Facilities For Intermittent Dialysis And Continuous Cardiac Output Monitoring.
o Non Invasive Ventilatory Equipment (BiPAP, CPAP)
o Regular monitoring includes ECG, arrhythmia and ST-T segment evaluation, central
and core temperature, NIBP, ABP, CVP, PAP, ETCO2, ICP and intraabdominal
o The facilities of Echocardiography, ultrasound, colour Doppler and x-ray are available
round the clock.
Patient care and safety are significantly enhanced by 1:1 nursing for all ventilated patients and 1:2 nursing for non-ventilated patients. An active in-house training program ensures
that all the nurses are fully trained and up to date in their information.
All the Units are functionally independent with dedicated Nursing station, central
monitoring, clean & dirty utility areas and are manned by dedicated specialty nurses. ICU
is supported by the High Dependency Units and step-down wards.

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